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Wildfire and Steel Page 5
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Page 5
After her inadequate amount of sleep, Carina eyes and head were sore with tiredness. In the remains of the forest behind her, the children waited. Unable to lie down due to the wet ground, they were complaining about being cold and exhausted. But Carina didn’t want to waste time resting before they made their attempt to leave Ostillon. They were back in dangerous territory, where Sherrerrs could launch another attack or Castiel might find them.
The incident at their campsite in the uninhabited wild lands had made their danger even clearer. If someone could find them there in the wilderness, nowhere on Ostillon was safe. They had to leave at the earliest opportunity.
A hand on her shoulder jolted Carina from her ruminations. Bryce was beside her, his features drawn with tiredness. Carina guessed she looked the same. Trying to survive the last few days had taken its toll on everyone.
“What do you think?” Bryce asked, nodding at the shuttle that was lowering to the ground a couple hundred meters away.
“No, not that one. An incoming vessel is likely to be low on fuel. What we want is one about to take off, refilled with enough fuel to take us a reasonable distance. Then we have to hope there’s another system within shuttle range. I don’t remember noticing one on the map when we were on our way here after escaping the Nightfall. Then we have to pray we aren’t shot to pieces trying to navigate through a battlefield.” She gave Bryce a tight smile.
“But if we try to steal a shuttle that’s about to depart, won’t troops be on their way over to it?”
“Yeah, probably.” Carina’s lips drew to a line. “This isn’t going to be easy.” She stood up, her leg muscles stiff with squatting for too long in the damp weeds, and walked over to her brothers and sisters. They were huddled in a group under the blackened limbs of a dead tree. Darius was writing numbers in the dirt with a stick, and the others were sitting on their haunches, listless, pale, and sleepy-eyed. Only Parthenia was active, replenishing their small supply of elixir over a smoky fire.
That was another reason they had to act quickly. It was only a matter of time until someone at the spaceport became curious about the line of smoke reaching up into the sky, now clearly visible in the growing light of the approaching sun.
“Listen, everyone,” Carina said. “I need your help. I need ideas on how we can work together to steal a ship and get off this planet. We have to cross the open space of the landing and take-off zone, get aboard a ship, and fly it out of here. And we have to do all of that without being shot. I’ve run a few scenarios through my head, like Casting Fire on a building to create a distraction or Transporting troops a safe distance away, but everything seems too risky. I don’t know if a fire will distract everyone, and even if we managed to Transport every soldier out of that place, more could arrive in shuttles from the battle any minute.”
“Instead of Transporting the soldiers away,” said Ferne, “could we Transport their weapons to us? Then we can fight them.”
Carina smiled. “You think we can take on all the troops in that place?”
“We can try,” Ferne replied.
Parthenia suddenly rose to her feet. “Whatever you all decide to do, you can count me out. I’m staying here. You can take all the elixir. I’ll make some more for myself when you’re gone.”
“What?!” Carina exclaimed. “No! No way, Parthenia. You have to come with us. If you stay here alone you’ll die. Or, even worse, Castiel will catch you.”
“I won’t leave this planet while he’s still a danger,” said Parthenia. “I just won’t do it, and you can’t make me. You’ve decided for all of us, without even a discussion about it. Who made you the leader? I don’t have to do whatever you say just because you’re the oldest.”
“I’m not trying to boss you around,” Carina retorted. “I’m trying to save your life, you idiot.” As soon as she’d spoken, Carina regretted her words. She knew she shouldn’t have been so blunt, but she was running on a couple of hours’ sleep and she was worried out of her mind about how she was going to protect everyone.
But the damage was done. Parthenia strode away into the darkness.
Carina walked after her sister. “I’m sorry, Parthenia. I shouldn’t have said that. Please, come back. Don’t go off by yourself. It’s dangerous around here.”
“Leave me alone,” Parthenia yelled. “Go and steal your spaceship. If I have to stay here and stop Castiel by myself that’s what I’ll do.”
“No.” Carina had caught up to Parthenia. She grabbed her arm. Parthenia halted and faced her.
Carina said, “I can’t let you do something so stupid. If you take on Castiel alone he’ll catch you and keep you captive. He’ll torture you until you do whatever he says. Do you want to end up like Ma?”
“Then help me, Carina. Don’t run away. We’ll never be this close to him again. If we leave now we’ll lose our best chance.”
Carina tried to think of a way to make her sister understand how wrong she was. Parthenia still saw Castiel not as a highly dangerous Dark Mage but as her brother and so her responsibility. She was only fifteen and had no perspective on the situation. Carina was three years plus a lifetime of hardship older than her.
She made another attempt to make her sister see reason. “Look. I promise I won’t give up on trying to stop Castiel. I’ll come back. I only—”
“That’s what you said before.” Parthenia’s eyes were hard, glittering in the rays of the rising sun.
“What? When?”
“When Castiel was holding me at Langley Dirksen’s mansion. You tried to rescue me, but then when things got tough you left. You said you would come back, but you didn’t. I had to get away from him myself.”
Carina was momentarily lost for words. What Parthenia was saying was true. Faced with the surprise Repulse Casts from Castiel, Carina had been forced to leave her sister in his clutches. She’d intended to return with a military-style assault, but then the Sherrerrs had begun their attack.
Carina grabbed her sister’s shoulders. “But I hadn’t abandoned you. You saw me fighting in that mech battle, right? I was trying to win enough money to buy weapons. I was coming back for you. I just didn’t get a chance. I would never have left you with Castiel, Parthenia. Not while I had breath in my body. Please believe me.”
Parthenia’s defiant expression wavered. She broke eye contact. “It doesn’t matter now. I’m staying here. Take the others somewhere safe and then come back and help me deal with Castiel, if that’s what you really want. You can use the elixir canister to Locate me when you return. I’ve touched it often enough.”
Carina was about to speak, but then she changed her mind. She could tell her sister had passed the point where she could be reasoned with. It was no surprise. They were all at the end of their tether. But that meant more than anything that they had to get away, and soon, before fatigue and stress caused one of them to make a fatal error.
“Okay,” said Carina. “If your mind’s made up.”
“It is.”
Carina gave her sister a brief hug before turning and walking back to the group. Not for a second would she entertain the idea of leaving Parthenia behind on Ostillon.
Chapter Nine
“Where’s Parthenia?” Darius asked as soon as Carina returned from speaking with her sister.
Her little brother had drawn numbers all over the damp dirt under the dead tree, and he’d managed to transfer plenty of dirt onto his face too. His voice trembled. The little boy was on edge, only just holding himself together. Guiltily, Carina reminded herself of his sensitivity to the emotions of people around him. They were all suffering their individual fears and worries, but Darius was suffering his and everyone else’s too. No wonder he seemed to spend every spare moment obsessively writing numbers. He was probably trying to distract himself from the extreme feelings that resonated inside him.
“She’s gone for a walk,” Carina replied.
“But she is coming with us, right?” asked Oriana
“Yes, she is.”
“Phew,” Ferne said. “Thank the stars for that. I’d hate to leave her behind.”
At the spaceport a military shuttle was taking off, carrying troops to Dirksen ships defending the planet. They needed to leave too, and soon.
“We aren’t leaving Parthenia behind,” said Carina. “I’m going to go and get her. Give me the elixir, Oriana.”
The girl reflexively lifted the canister, but then she paused. “Why? What are you planning to do with it?”
Glances passed between the siblings. The possible reasons Carina would need elixir to bring their sister back were very few.
“Just give it to me,” Carina snapped, and held out her hand.
Oriana moved the canister close to her chest. “If you’re planning what I think you’re planning, I don’t think you should do that.”
Carina reached out and snatched the container from her sister’s grasp. “I didn’t ask your opinion.” She marched into the forest again, pacing quickly to return to Parthenia before she lost her under the trees.
When she spotted her sister’s figure moving among the blackened tree trunks, she called her name, adding, “Wait a second.”
Carina was gratified to see Parthenia pause, and she sped up her pace.
“What do you want?” asked Parthenia. “Did you change your mind? Are you staying to help me with Castiel after all?”
“I just want to give you something,” Carina replied, stalling for time.
“What?” Parthenia’s features scrunched into a squint as she peered at Carina, noticing she was holding something behind her back.
Carina was close enough. Even if Parthenia ran, she wouldn’t have time to run out of sight. Carina removed the canister lid and sipped elixir.
“What are you doing?” Parthenia asked. Then realization dawned. “No! How could you? How could you do that to me?” She backed away. She turned and began to run.
Carina Cast, and her sister’s footsteps slowed to an amble.
“Parthenia, come here.”
Carina’s sister reversed her direction and returned to Carina. The guilt she’d felt when she remembered Darius’ ultra-sensitivity to others’ emotions was nothing compared to the remorse and shame that swept through her now. When Parthenia drew close enough to see her eyes in the weak morning light it was clear that, inside, she was fighting Carina’s instruction with all the will she could muster. Sadly for her, no one possessed the strength of will to defy a fresh Enthrall Cast. However, the fury and fire in Parthenia’s gaze indicated that Carina would have to watch her carefully.
“Let’s go back to the others,” said Carina.
Her siblings had obviously been discussing what she might be doing while she was away. They watched in silence as Carina and Parthenia walked up.
“Oh, Carina,” Oriana breathed, watching Parthenia’s slow, dragging steps. “What have you done?”
Darius threw down his stick, hugged himself, and began rocking as if he was in terrible pain.
“I’ve done what I had to do,” Carina replied.
There was an unwritten rule among mages that you never Cast Enthrall on another mage against their will. Practising on each other while learning the Cast was fine, but it could only be with the other person’s consent. Taking away another person’s control of themselves was only acceptable if the mage was in danger or if you were trying to save them from harm. A mage would have to be doing something truly terrible to justify another mage Casting Enthrall against them for any other reason. Parthenia had only wanted to exercise her free will.
“Has anyone had any ideas on how we can steal a shuttle?” Carina asked, keeping an eye on Parthenia.
“But, Carina….” said Ferne, his tone soft and distraught.
“I said has anyone had any ideas on how we can steal a shuttle?” Carina repeated forcefully. “I’m guessing we have enough elixir for about ten Casts. That should do it, but which ones should we use? Bryce? Do you have a plan?” Carina felt about to fall apart. Shame and guilt over breaching her sister’s trust were killing her. Would Parthenia ever forgive her for what she’d done? Perhaps not, but Carina was also certain she would Enthrall her sister again in a heartbeat. If Parthenia hated her for the rest of her life that was okay. At least this way she might live.
Darius murmured something too quietly for Carina to catch. “What did you say?” Carina asked, touching his shoulder. Darius flinched and looked up at her suspiciously.
Had she lost his love too? Carina bit her lip. “Darius, if you’ve thought of a way we can get out of here, please, tell me.”
“I can Cloak us,” he replied. “Or, I think I can. But we have to stay close together.”
Of course. After everything that had happened since the Dirksen patrol ship had boarded the stolen Sherrerr shuttle, Carina had forgotten the Cast her brother seemed to have invented.
“So no one else will see us cross the spaceport?” she asked. “We won’t be seen entering the ship?”
“I don’t think so. I don’t know for sure. I only ever did it on myself before, except when we were running away from Father’s clan.” Darius winced like pain was wracking him.
“Okay, let’s try it,” Carina said. And the sooner the better. If Parthenia was especially strong-willed—and Carina was guessing she was—the Enthrall Cast wouldn’t last long. Carina would be forced to use more elixir to Cast again, and again, until she had gotten her sister so far from Ostillon she wouldn’t be able to return.
Bryce, Ferne, Oriana, and Darius were on the other side of the fence, waiting.
“Parthenia, climb the fence,” Carina repeated. At her first command, Parthenia’s limbs had moved but then they had frozen. The Cast and Parthenia’s willpower were battling within her. Carina could hardly believe the Cast was losing influence so quickly. Her sister’s inner strength was powerful, and she was clearly also raging inside.
“Climb the fence!” Carina yelled.
Parthenia jerked forward like an automaton. She raised her hands and gripped the wires, her features twisting.
Darius pressed his hands against his face and turned away.
Parthenia began to climb. Carina kept pace with her. “Oriana, make sure you have the elixir ready to hand to me as soon as I reach you.” She fixed her gaze on Parthenia, fearing to see her other sister’s reaction to the instruction.
Barely able to restrain her impatience, Carina watched Parthenia climb over the top of the fence. As she climbed down the other side, Carina followed her, hoping Parthenia would remain under the control of the Enthrall Cast all the way onto the shuttle.
Carina jumped the last couple of meters of fence.
“Are you ready, Darius?” she asked.
“I don’t know.” He moved his hands away from his face. Tears had mixed with the dirt, creating wet grime that lined the depressions of his eyes and lips.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Carina glanced toward the spaceport. If they were going to act, they had to be quick.
“I can’t think. It hurts too much.”
“You’re hurt?” Then Carina understood. “You mean it hurts inside?”
Darius gave two quick nods.
Carina knelt on the wet ground and hugged her little brother. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry we’re all hurting you. But can you please try? I’ll hold you if it helps.”
“Okay.” Darius’ voice was quiet. “I’ll try.”
“Oriana,” Carina said.
Her sister handed her the elixir and Carina held the canister’s open mouth to Darius’ lips. The boy took two large swallows before closing his eyes. Carina held him as she imagined Ma would have done, gently and comfortingly. The poor kid. He’d been through too much, and now the fate of all of them rested on his shoulders. But she had no choice except to ask this of him if he and his siblings were to be safe.
“It’s done,” Darius whispered.
“It is?” Nothing seemed
any different. Carina wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting but she’d been expecting something. “Are you sure we’re Cloaked? Is there a way we can tell?”
“When I played hide-and-go-seek I could always see myself. I only knew it was working when no one could see me.”
Great. Darius appeared to have invented a Cast that threw a barrier of invisibility over objects, rather than making the things themselves invisible. “Okay, everyone. It’s time to go.”
Parthenia’s eyes blazed.
“You too, sis,” said Carina. “Sorry, but this is how it has to be.” She gripped the elixir canister tightly as they set off across the shuttle landing area. “Bryce, can you watch for any vessels coming in to land?”
“Oh, don’t worry. I already thought of that,” he replied, his gaze turned upward.
If Darius’ Cast had worked and they were not visible, an incoming shuttle could land right on top of them. The Cloak Cast had made the Sherrerr shuttle they had used to escape undetectable to scanning equipment.
They were fast-walking in a huddle. Carina had maneuvered Parthenia so that she was in the middle and Carina stuck close to her side.
In the distance a line of troops appeared and began a slow jog across the landing ground. Everyone except Parthenia drew a collective breath. If the Cast hadn’t worked and they could see the soldiers, that had to mean the soldiers would see them. But none of the men or women reacted. There was an audible sigh as they understood that they were Cloaked.
Carina checked the direction the troops were traveling and followed the line with her gaze. She found herself looking at a military shuttle that had seen better days. But despite the vessel’s decrepit appearance, it was definitely where the soldiers were headed. Engineers were swapping out fuel rods.
“That’s our flight over there,” said Carina. She grabbed Parthenia’s upper arm. “Run, everyone, but stick together so you don’t move outside Darius’ Cast. If we don’t want a big fight we have to reach that ship before its passengers do.”